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    Landscape Design and Gardening Resource Guide | Monique Allen

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    3 minute read

    Does your landscape need help? Here's why Regenerative Design is Best!

    Landscape as Oasis At The Garden Continuum, we believe your landscape can be an oasis that flourishes in harmony with nature without burdening you. Our philosophy centers on ...

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    5 minute read

    Grow Your Own: A Beginner's Guide to Sustainable Vegetable Gardening at Home

    The Garden Continuum, a landscape design/build and fine gardening company based in Medfield, Massachusetts, has been transforming outdoor spaces since 1991. Our mission is to ...

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    5 minute read

    What is a CSA & How Does Community Support Help the Environment?

    The visibility of locally-grown food received a significant boost in recent years with the growth in popularity of what has become known as the “farm-to-table” movement. ...

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    5 minute read

    The 6 environmental and health benefits of growing your own food

    To some people, it may seem like a stretch to make a connection between gardening and climate change. There is, however, a direct relationship between how we as a nation grow and ...

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    3 minute read

    Does planting trees in your yard help fight climate change?

    It seems that every week there’s news directly related to climate change: historic heat in the West; 100-year floods on the Gulf Coast; earlier, more damaging hurricanes affecting ...

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    3 minute read

    Why supporting local businesses helps the environment and your community

    We live in an increasingly global community. Digital technology, the Internet, and innovations in transportation have all contributed to making it easy to interact with even the ...

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    6 minute read

    How to Rethink Residential Gardening for Climate Change

    Climate change is affecting all things large and small, in ways that are sometimes not so apparent, while in others the impact is readily felt. Gardening is a unique activity in ...

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    8 minute read

    10 Smart Ways to Take Action to Reduce Your Home Carbon Footprint

    As the call to action to help slow climate change grows increasingly urgent, average citizens are responding. Many are eager to join the movement to reduce our collective carbon ...

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    4 minute read

    Go Hyper-Local to Help Save The Earth

    There is no question that the climate is changing. The real question is, what can we all do about it? For me and The Garden Continuum, the answer was to go hyper-local with our ...

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    5 minute read

    How to Guarantee Landscape Success by Starting with Easy Wins

    Every homeowner attempting a landscape project starts out with the best intentions. Regardless of size, every project usually begins with a desire to make improvements – perhaps a ...

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    7 minute read

    How 2020 Encouraged Every Homeowner to Become an Empowered Gardener

    This year, the normally quiet streets and neighborhoods became a bustling sight of people outside, puttering and cleaning and building in their landscapes. Nurseries and garden ...

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    5 minute read

    Why now is the time to create a home vegetable garden

    As the current battle against the coronavirus rages and images of wartime are invoked, memories of the famous “victory gardens” of World War I and II come to mind. During both ...

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    3 minute read

    The Garden Continuum Launches New Online Landscape Education Resource

    We're proud to announce the launch of The Garden Continuum's new web platform called TGC Academy. This new service offers information to help landscape professionals and garden ...

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    3 minute read

    How your landscape helps you manage fear and anxiety

    The current coronavirus pandemic is affecting virtually everyone in different ways and degrees. One thing is for sure, though, anxiety and fear have increased across the board. ...

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    3 minute read

    Book Launch: Stop Landscaping. Start Life-Scaping.

    I am excited to release my new book out into the world with its official launch on this special day. March 23rd is my mother’s birthday and it’s been two years since her passing. ...

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    4 minute read

    The 5 Steps in Thinking through Your Life-Scape

    Here’s a simple but crucial piece of information that anyone interested in their landscape needs to remember: landscapes are living entities. They are complex, integrated ...

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    4 minute read

    Why Systems Thinking Makes a Better Landscape

    The landscape conversation is pretty common nowadays. Certainly, every homeowner will consider their landscape at one point or another. Mainstream media and the popular DIY ...

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    3 minute read

    Why you need a new book on landscape design and construction

    I get asked on a regular basis by people far and wide to design a Life-Scape for them. That’s a term I use to refer to a more integrated landscape design based on the land itself, ...

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    5 minute read

    5 Things I Learned from another Amazing Gardening Year

    Running a landscape business can be tough – keeping up with client needs, fixing finicky equipment, staying on top of what employees need to succeed, and snow that comes on ...

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    4 minute read

    Plant bulbs in the fall to brighten up your spring landscape

    Who doesn’t love spring? For New Englanders, the icy cold dullness of winter is on the way out, the sun is getting brighter and warmer, and nature’s renewal is in the air. But ...

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    3 minute read

    How to Make the Most of the Fall Landscape Season

    Landscapes, when you think about it, are living entities – complex “organisms” that go through stages of life just like every other living thing. From their “birth” every spring ...

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    4 minute read

    How to Manage Your Landscape in the Late Summer

    How do you make up for lost time late in the landscape season when your gardens have gotten away from you? There comes a time in everyone’s home management experience when their ...

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    5 minute read

    Choose the Right Plant for the Right Place in Your Landscape

    One of the most basic mistakes made in the garden, especially by those just starting out, is selecting plants based primarily on whim: “Ooo, that’s a nice flower, or that smells ...

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    3 minute read

    The Importance of Understanding Available Sun for Your Garden

    Sunlight – like most critical gardening elements – is highly dynamic. The sun is constantly moving throughout the day, as well as from season to season. Add in human-influenced ...

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    4 minute read

    The Importance of Water for Your Garden

    It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of water for your garden – after all, water makes up 85 to 95 percent of the weight of living plants. In fact, plants use ...

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    3 minute read

    The Importance of Understanding Climate for a Fine Gardener

    One key aspect of Fine Gardening is knowing and understanding the climate in which you are working. Around here, that means knowing your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone. Wait…what?

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    39 minute read

    Podcast: Monique Allen | LifeScaper and Dream Builder

    How cool is this? I was featured on a podcast this spring! As a business owner, I'm always thinking about how to do business better. And, as a landscape professional, I am ...

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    5 minute read

    A Fine Gardener Digs into the Truth About Soil

    It’s tough for soil to get any respect. To most people, it’s just dirt. But the truth is, soil is a miracle, a universe unto itself right under our feet. It may seem weird at ...

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    3 minute read

    Upgrade Your Landscape Maintenance with Fine Gardening

    It’s not uncommon for homeowners to fall out of love with their landscaping. Often, life seems to get in the way and doing “yard work” falls by the wayside as other things capture ...

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    6 minute read

    The Landscape Revisited - My most valuable lessons of 2018

    The 2018 growing season is coming to a close. Thanksgiving is behind us and the next holiday season is closing in. In Massachusetts, we’ve already had eight inches of snow dumped ...

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    5 minute read

    Time to Add Different Shrubs to Your Landscape

    Shrubs are a major element in just about any landscape design, but knowing how they fit into the overall garden scheme and having knowledge of shrubs beyond the handful of ...

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    3 minute read

    How to Deadhead an Astilbe

    Astilbes are one of those garden plants that are just so easy to love. Originating in Asia, there are now a number of hybrids available worldwide, providing gardeners with a wide ...

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    3 minute read

    Deadheading: How to manage spent flowers in the summer garden

    After bursting forth in a riot of color and greenery in the spring, our gardens can use a little “freshening” during the summer to keep them looking their best. That means ...

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    4 minute read

    How to Prune your Knock Out and Drift Roses

    Roses can be intimidating for many gardeners. After all, roses, in their seemingly infinite variety, attract the most ardent flowering plant enthusiasts, bolstered by an enormous ...

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    4 minute read

    Getting Ready for Summer in Your Garden: 4 Tips to Prepare for Long Days & Heat Ahead

    Here’s a timeless gardening truth -- after spring cleanups are completed, and mulch is refreshed in the gardens, most homeowners do not do anything more to support or prepare ...

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    4 minute read

    Garden Editing: A great way to re-invigorate your landscape

    This may seem obvious, but it bears stating here: there is a direct correlation between how long you let your landscape go without maintenance and the increased amount of work it ...

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    2 minute read

    Instagram Your Garden with Monique

    Let me start off by thanking all of you who subscribe, read, and comment on The Garden Continuum's Garden Design & Fine Gardening blog. We totally appreciate your engagement ...

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    3 minute read

    Why Every Landscape Needs a Fine Gardener

    There comes a time in many a property owner’s life when he or she looks around and realizes that their landscaping is boring. Same old boring shrubs that need to be trimmed every ...

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    4 minute read

    The Top 25 Perennial Picks for Peak Performance and Low Effort

    Okay, so maybe this month’s blog post title is a mouthful, but it’s an important one as we head toward peak growing season. Why? Because it’s all about the role of perennials in ...

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    3 minute read

    How to Divide Siberian Irises

    Irises are highly popular flowers in many gardens and for good reason – they’re hardy, reliable, and beautiful. Many gardeners prefer them because, in addition to being graceful ...

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    4 minute read

    Assessing Your Landscape - How to avoid big money renovations

    Every landscape – both natural or managed – is dynamic. Nothing is frozen in time. Without proper, ongoing care, all built landscapes and managed environments will experience a ...

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    3 minute read

    2017: The Seasons in Review

    It’s that time of year when it’s interesting to look back and review all that’s happened in the past 12 months. Even in gardening and landscaping, a lot goes on. Now, I’m one of ...

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    5 minute read

    Grand Landscapes in Compact Spaces

    Do you have a small space to landscape? That doesn’t mean you can’t think big. Many homeowners today find themselves working with smaller lots and bigger houses, often leaving ...

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    4 minute read

    Fall cleanup: What to do with all the leaves?

    To rake or not to rake – that has been the eternal question for homeowners every fall. Conventional thinking has always leaned toward picking up leaves; however, ...

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    2 minute read

    Why is a Garden a Symbol of Caring?

    Nature has long been used as a symbol for a wide range of human emotions, relationships, and interactions. Life, beauty, death, decay, and renewal are just a few examples. As an ...

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    4 minute read

    Watering in the fall - why it’s good for your plants

    One of the most frequently asked questions I get is “when do I stop watering in the fall?” For some that might seem like a relatively simple question to answer – “summer is the ...

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    4 minute read

    Stepping Back: Tips for when life calls you away from gardening

    Let’s face it. Life doesn’t always go as planned. Family and work issues crop up. Turmoil happens. And when life gets in the way of your gardening you need to be prepared to deal ...

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    4 minute read

    Spring into Summer Action: Completing Your Garden Plant Assessments

    Here in New England, the growing season is in full swing after a cool, wet spring. For gardeners, the challenge has always been when to truly dive into active garden editing. In ...

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    3 minute read

    Bulb care: How to get the most out of your bulbs, now and later

    Bulbs are perhaps one of the most valuable and productive friends a flower gardener can have. Cared for properly, they seem to automatically provide life and color in a bleak ...

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    4 minute read

    7 Must-do’s For Landscape Curb Appeal That You Will Love

    In the real estate business everyone talks about curb appeal but, you ask, what the heck is that anyway and what does it have to do with me? Seriously, who cares about what the ...

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    5 minute read

    3 Tips for Busy Homeowners: How to Have a Well-Tended Landscape

    Most traditional landscape management has been based on principles of control rather than cooperation. Historically, gardeners have worked hard to achieve what they considered ...

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    4 minute read

    First 6 Steps to Create the Garden of Your Dreams

    If you love the outdoors and growing things, I’ll bet that, at one time or another, you’ve dreamed about the perfect garden – what you’d plant, how it would look – and then you ...

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    5 minute read

    Understand your landscape by breaking it down into layers

    Your landscape can be a confusing place. As spring’s thaw gradually reveals its details, it can be difficult to comprehend all of the aspects of your gardens and landscape. ...

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    4 minute read

    5 Best Money-Saving Landscape Tips

    Even those of us who are passionate about landscaping and gardening can be equally passionate about saving time and money doing it. Minimizing effort and expense on your ...

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    4 minute read

    4 Simple Steps for Achieving a Low Maintenance Landscape

    Everybody loves a beautiful landscape but who really loves taking care of it? If you’re a homeowner who envies a gorgeous landscape design but dreads the idea of having to take ...

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    3 minute read

    Three Expert Steps To Assess Your Spring Landscape

    March 20th is the first day of spring and each first day of this season can be wildly different from the year before. We’ve had years where we’ve been tucked under six feet of ...

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    4 minute read

    The Power of Positive Bulb Planting

    If you’re a flower person, you’ll do just about anything to extend the colorful season to enjoy plants in bloom and a riot of color in your gardens. Doing any work now may sound ...

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    3 minute read

    3 Reasons Why Fall Is Perfect For Planting

    When most people think about the fall they think about dead leaves, diminishing light, and the inevitable appearance of old man winter. No person in their right mind would ...

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    4 minute read

    Top 3 Season-Extending Gardening Tips

    If you just love gardens with WOW-Factor, the season always seems to come to an end way too soon. Trees, shrubs, and perennials are traditional favorites for creating layers and ...

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    3 minute read

    5 Top Fall Tasks To Give Your Landscape The Biggest Bang For Your Buck

    Many homeowners don’t realize that fall is a critical time for lawns and gardens. Even though the summer bloom is off, bright colors are beginning to fade, and winter is just ...

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    4 minute read

    6 Things to Ensure the Perfect Garden Bed Edges

    If you’re a gardener or a homeowner with foundation beds, perennial beds or mixed planting borders, chances are you’re already familiar to some degree with the task of edging – ...

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    3 minute read

    The 411 on Tree Conservation By-Laws

    After much of New England lost its forests in the early 19th century to agricultural clearing, shipbuilding, and fuel gathering, the region has seen remarkable reforestation and ...

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    2 minute read

    Marketing Your Landscape Design Project: 5 Ways to Gain Public Support

    You’re a commercial property owner or developer and you’ve just spent several months and a significant amount of money developing a landscape project to set your property and ...

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    2 minute read

    Preparing for Dept. of Environmental Protection Enforcement Orders: 3 Tips to Minimize the Damage You’ve Done

    Property owners undertaking landscaping projects adjacent to watershed resources or other public property without first making application to the local conservation commission ...

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    4 minute read

    How to Weed your garden Like a Pro: Part II

    In Part I about weeding your garden like a pro, we discussed mindset and approach. Now, it’s time to demystify all those weeds. What are they all about anyway? I mean, why do they ...

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    5 minute read

    How to Weed Your Garden Like a Pro: Part I

    What is it about the task of removing unwanted plants from our garden that causes us to hate it so much? Weeding seems to be the one thing that can turn every gardener into a ...

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    4 minute read

    Legacy Landscapes: The Art of Preservation and Conservation

    There are few places in the United States with historical landscapes as rich and diversified as New England. Over the centuries since Europeans first set foot in the New World, ...

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    4 minute read

    15 Tips & Tricks to Help Prepare Your Commercial Landscape for Summer and Winter Months

    For many businesses located in regions that experience seasonal extremes, such as New England, landscape design for commercial properties can present a particularly vexing ...

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    4 minute read

    How to DeadHead Salvia

    …and the answers to many other questions about this popular plant Salvias are like that old childhood friend you still love to hang out with: easy-going, dependable, and ...

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    2 minute read

    3 Tips to Design Your Landscape While Complying with Local By-Laws

    If your property is in an environmentally-sensitive area, especially one that abuts a watershed resource, getting a landscaping project approved can be tricky. As we discussed in ...

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    2 minute read

    Quick Guide to Commercial Landscape Investment vs. Maintenance Costs

    Commercial landscape design is much more than sticking some plants and mulch in front of a commercial building or storefront. For the smart business owner, a thoughtful, ...

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    3 minute read

    Case Study: Straw Hat Park, Medfield, MA

    Turning underutilized public space into a green-oasis “pocket park” Urban blight is not just a problem for major cities. Smaller communities across the nation are also faced with ...

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    5 minute read

    Tips for Choosing the Right Size Tree for Your Landscape

    Deciduous trees are a versatile, attractive and dynamic element for use in any landscape design because they are powerful players in the environment. These are the trees that have ...

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    3 minute read

    3 Secret Confessions of a Landscape Professional

    When you have worked for a number of years in any profession, there are stories you could tell, mistakes you've made and, yes, even some things to confess. With all of them comes ...

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    2 minute read

    What You Need To Know About Local Environmental By-Laws For Landscape Projects

    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has in place a comprehensive set of rules and regulations to protect the environment, most notably wetlands and other water resources that are ...

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    2 minute read

    Getting Smart with Your Commercial Landscape: Why It’s an Essential Part of Your Building

    The business market can be a tough place to find a competitive edge against similar properties and businesses with similar pricing. If you’re a business or property manager trying ...

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    3 minute read

    Learn How to Choose the Best Planning Lead Time for Your Next Landscape Project

    We New Englanders have a tendency to stumble out of our homes after a long, hard winter, blink in the bright sunshine like bears emerging from their dens and say, “Man, the yard ...

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    5 minute read

    7 Habits of Successful Waterers

    The single most important resource in landscape care is water. In varying degree all plants need water to survive and thrive. So it stands to reason that my single biggest ...

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    3 minute read

    7 Characteristics of the Best Designed Environmentally-Friendly Landscapes

    Property owners who abut public property face a unique set of challenges when it comes to getting a landscaping project approved. Instead of having to contend with just one or two ...

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    2 minute read

    Tips to Maintain Your Commercial Landscape for Neatness and Safety

    If you’re a business owner or manager, maintaining a commercial landscape requires a little more care and attention than a residential landscape because not only should it be ...

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    3 minute read

    Can Landscape Design Increase Tenant Safety? 8 Tips That Can Help Keep People and Property Safe

    Some commercial property owners might believe that the only way to provide added safety for their tenants is to minimize landscaping and eliminate any feature that might pose a ...

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    3 minute read

    5 Proper Ways to Use Fences in a Landscape

    Fences are one of the most challenging landscape elements. People often install fences without first thinking the project through and the less-than-satisfactory results can range ...

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    2 minute read

    5 Best Practices to Maximize ROI on Your Next Commercial Landscape Project

    Many business owners and managers have trouble justifying to themselves the expense of a landscape beyond the minimum necessary for appearance and to meet regulations. That’s too ...

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    3 minute read

    What You Need to Know About Dept. of Environmental Protection Regulations Before Starting a Landscape Project

    It is not unusual for property owners to begin work on a landscape project only to run afoul of one or more Massachusetts environmental protection laws designed to protect ...

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    3 minute read

    7 Reasons Your Commercial Entryway Outshines Every Other Area of the Landscape

    The entryway to your commercial property is your first opportunity to greet your tenants, employees, customers and visitors. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that the ...

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    2 minute read

    5 Ways to Reinvent Your Commercial Building’s Landscape

    Commercial landscape development projects can be a high-stakes undertaking. With tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential rental or leasing revenue at stake, ...

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    2 minute read

    5 Driveway Design Tips Guaranteed to Give Your Home the Best Curb Appeal

    When talk turns to ways of improving property value and creating more “curb appeal” – the visual attractiveness easily seen when first driving up to a home – driveways don’t ...

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    2 minute read

    Tips For Creating Beautiful and Welcoming Front Walkways Your Visitors Are Sure to Envy

    Residential walkways and entries, like driveways, are often an afterthought for many contractors. Often front entries are equipped with plain, precast concrete steps and have no ...

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    3 minute read

    3 Tips for Optimal Placement & Size of Outdoor Landscape Features

    One of the biggest mistakes to make when designing outdoor living spaces is to plunk things down wherever it seems easiest. These seemingly easy or convenient spaces may be ...

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    2 minute read

    3 Easy Ways to Integrate Indoor & Outdoor Spaces

    Many homeowners are eager to add outdoor space to their property that integrates nicely with their home. Often this is a great way to expand a home and open up additional living ...

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    3 minute read

    3 Things You Don’t Think About When Designing a Lawn Space

    For almost two centuries the “lawn” has been a standard fixture in the American Landscape. Today everyone simply expects a lawn to be part of their landscape, but the interesting ...

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    2 minute read

    2 Questions to Ask Yourself before a Landscape Design Project

    How do I design an outdoor space that is both beautiful and functional? If you’re looking to create an outdoor space suitable for entertaining and relaxation, you should start by ...

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    2 minute read

    Using landscape containers to add beauty to your home

    Container Gardens - Winter Arrangements Just because winter comes, doesn’t mean you have to empty your planters out. If they are constructed of a sturdy winter hardy material then ...

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    1 minute read

    Shade Gardens

    Shade Gardens - Flowers Accent a Lush Landscape This garden in Wellesley, Mass uses all manner of plants to make this landscape into a lush display of color. The carpet of green ...

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    2 minute read

    Kid Spaces

    Kid Space - Time to Play Create a fun, clean, and safe area for your children to play in the landscape while being eco-friendly and promoting drainage. This Newton play set is ...

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    2 minute read

    Landscaping Driveways

    Driveway - Eco-Friendly Choices for your Sustainable Landscape This long driveway in Franklin, Mass is constructed of crushed bank gravel that has been compacted as if asphalt ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Deadhead a Daylily

    How to Deadhead a Daylily Due to the great response we received from our previous blog on How to Deadhead a Daylily, The Garden Continuum went ahead and created a Video HOW-TO on ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscaping Patios

    Patio - Raised Bluestone with Fieldstone Walls An elegant solution to a grade differential between the house and the outside. Rather than add a deck, this family in Natick, Mass ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to choose the right plant for your landscape.

    Picking Plants is here to help you avoid falling into the pretty plant trap!

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    1 minute read

    Bulb Garden Landscaping Ideas

    Bulbs - Dramatic Yellow in the Garden This dramatic yellow flower is Fritillaria 'Lutea'. It is planted in the autumn at the same time as your tulips and daffodils. This flower ...

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    2 minute read

    Deck Landscaping Ideas

    Decks - The Home to Patio Connection This narrow back yard in Dover, Mass needed a comfortable space for outdoor living. A long transitional deck with open angled steps invites ...

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    2 minute read

    Annuals Garden Landscaping Ideas

    Annual Gardens - Fall Interest Plants for your Planters There is nothing more beautiful than a planter refreshed with fall blooming annuals. Late summer can bring on a ratty look ...

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    3 minute read

    Wall Landscaping Ideas

    Walls - Retain It then Plant It Living on sloped land means needing to be creative about garden design. This retaining wall in Millis, Mass takes advantage of a two and half foot ...

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    < 1 minute read
    < 1 minute read

    Pools - Backyard Pool & Garden Design

    This Canton, MA back yard was overgrown and little used. With kids who love to swim, the homeowners decided now was the time to invest in an outdoor living environment. This yard ...

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    1 minute read

    Garden Ponds

    Garden Ponds - Cherry Blossoms & Water This Franklin, Mass pond is roughly 1800 gallons with a header pond and double spillway. The sounds of water and early spring peepers ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Vines - Wisteria blossoming in May

    This Wisteria floribunda was planted about three years before I met this Newton, MA client. The vine wasn't flowering well and was completely covering this small pergola ...

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    1 minute read

    Trees Well Suited to Massachusetts

    Why should you plant a tree? If you want leave a legacy for generations to come: Plant A Tree

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    2 minute read

    Garden Walkways & Paths Ideas

    Walks & Paths - Oversizing Makes your Statement This beautiful Medfield, Mass home needed a front face lift. By mimicking the white brick front in the risers of the stoop and ...

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    1 minute read

    Perennial Landscaping Ideas

    Perennials - Put Your Purple on in the Garden Nothing says "beautiful" better than gardens with color.

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    2 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Build a Patio

    Outside living spaces are valuable additions to any landscape environment. Patios are particularly valuable because they extend our living into the landscape in more exciting ways ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Prune a Yew

    Yew = Taxus in Latin ...and there are many species to choose from. This plant however gets pretty bad reviews time and time again from home and business owners. It is unfair ...

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    4 minute read

    Weeds in the Garden: How crazy they make the gardener!

    Weeds, Weeds, and More Weeds: The gardening task that never goes away! More time is spent obsessing on weeds in the garden than anything else. We stress over them, plot to kill ...

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    2 minute read

    Landscape Marketing - How to make sense of all those BUZZWORDS!

    Organic - Natural – Local - Conservation – Preservation - Sustainability What do all these words mean for your landscape? Clever, high-powered marketing is a big part of how the ...

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    2 minute read

    Good Garden Fences Make Good Landscape Neighbors

    New Englanders have a love-hate relationship with walls and fences. We want privacy, but we don’t want to offend. We want connection with our neighbors, but not too much. Then we ...

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    2 minute read

    Can a Garden Be a Place of Healing?

    Have you ever stepped outside on a stressful day just to gaze at the sky or take a deep breath? Nature has a profound impact on our well-being and can serve as the canvas to ...

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    1 minute read

    Why a Drip Edge is MORE than Smart Landscaping

    What Is A DRIP EDGE? Ever notice that ugly splash-back of soil that stains the foundation of your home? Ever have issues with termites or carpenter ants? Ever get water seepage ...

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    1 minute read

    Is Your Landscape Full of DIRT?

    We all strive to be resilient in our lives by working toward improving our survival skills. That may come in the form of eating well, fitness training, or even gaining new ...

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    3 minute read

    How important is WATER to your garden?

    Gardens Can't Survive Without Water No matter what side of the global warming debate you fall on, the June temperatures contributed to a record-warm first half of the year and the ...

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    1 minute read

    Perennials - How to deadhead a Daylily

    How to deadhead a Daylily Yesterday, I spent an hour as the sun went down deadheading my daylilies. It was a gloriously quiet hour of reflection as I repeated the same action over ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Build a Walkway - Landscape Video Blog

    How to Build a Walkway The Garden Continuum's Design/Build Team finished up a patio project last week in Wellesley. In order to connect the new patio in the backyard, we installed ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Renovate Perennial Gardens - Video

    How to Renovate Perennial Gardens Spring and fall are great times to start exploring edits to your perennial gardens! Whether you are looking to move and divide a few plants, add ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Edge Your Lawn

    How to Edge a Garden Bed April is quickly coming to a close and The Garden Continuum has been very busy with landscape renovations, projects and maintenance. This week, TGC's ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Divide Ornamental Grasses

    The Garden Continuum is back in action and excited for the 2012 gardening season! This week we wanted to video blog about ornamental grasses. We love to incorporate grasses in the ...

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    4 minute read

    5 Must Do Landscape Tasks for the Spring Garden

    The chill in the air is back, but spring is here. This means there is work to do outside. If you wait until the picture perfect spring weather, you might find yourself with more ...

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    3 minute read

    How much sun does your garden have?

    To understand the available sun in your garden, map your shade. Mapping the shade in your landscape is a very useful tool in landscape design. If you want to succeed in your ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Transplant a Shrub

    How to Transplant a Shrub This week, The Garden Continuum demonstrates how to transplant a shrub. Fall is perfect for renovating your gardens and with the cooler weather, your ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: Small Spaces-Big Garden Potential

    Creating Curb Appeal: Small Spaces-Big Garden Potential This week, The Garden Continuum shares with you a one day landscape project that transformed a small city garden. We are ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Plant a Tree

    How to Plant a Tree Fall has arrived in New England! With the cooler weather upon us, planting season is in full swing. This week, The Garden Continuum demonstrates how to plant a ...

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    1 minute read

    Learn How To Pick Plants For Your Landscape

    FALL IS AN AMAZING TIME TO PLANT As we move into the cooler, wetter weather of the autumn season, I encourage you to think about planting new plants in your landscape. Maybe you ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Install Drip Edge

    How to Install Drip Edge This week TGC demonstrates how to install drip edge. Many times we encounter landscapes that have insufficient gutters, poor drainage and wood decay. ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Straighten a Damaged Ornamental Tree

    How to Straighten a Damaged Tree In the wake of Hurricane Irene, The Garden Continuum has been cleaning up tons of tree damage. While Irene did destroy many shrubs and trees, she ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Build a Patio - Part Three

    How to Build a Patio: Part Three This week's video on How to Build a Patio concludes with cutting pavers, installing edging, and compacting and adding joint sand. The Dwight Derby ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Build a Patio- Part Two

    How to Build a Patio: Part Two This week the Dwight Derby House patio project continues with TGC's install staff laying the bedding sand and the pavers. Check out the project ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: Maintaining an Urban Landscape

    Maintaining an Urban Landscape: Challenges and Solutions This week, The Garden Continuum's Installation Staff was down in Providence, RI working on a commercial property. TGC ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Fertilize Annuals

    How to Fertilize Annuals Summer annuals have a short growing season in New England so it's important to fertilize regularly in order to get the best performance from your ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: Proper Pruning Tools and Technique

    Proper Pruning Tools and Technique This week, The Garden Continuum discusses proper pruning tools and technique. Having the right tool for the job and knowing when and how to use ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Video: How to Prepare a Garden Bed for Planting

    How to Prepare a Garden Bed for Planting This week, The Garden Continuum's Install Staff demonstrates how to prepare a garden bed for planting. On this property in Wellesley, TGC ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to plant a shrub - Landscape Tips Field Videos

    HOW TO PLANT A SHRUB The Garden Continuum's Install Team demonstrates how to plant a shrub. On this particular property, TGC had renovated the garden beds the previous year. For ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos - How to set a trellis in your garden

    Installing a Garden Trellis TGC's install team demonstrates how to pour concrete around a custom built cedar trellis. Creativity goes a long way to help preserve the integrity of ...

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    2 minute read

    How to Choose the Perfect Perennial

    Whether a seasoned gardener or a novice just starting out in the garden, it is inevitable that you will bump into this question:

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    3 minute read

    Landscape Design - 3 Design Tools For Planning Your Landscape Project

    Understanding your space will help you fully maximize the potential that exists for your project. There are three mistakes you want to avoid when planning for any landscape ...

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    3 minute read

    Home Landscaping Ideas: Building a Storyboard

    How To Develop A Storyboard for your Landscape Project Turning ideas into a buildable vision takes organization. By collecting inspiration you will begin to hone your ideas into a ...

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    2 minute read

    Design Lessons on Realizing your Landscape Vision

    No creation was ever realized that wasn’t first a simple idea. The road between a dream and the realization of that dream is paved with clear and measurable steps. Just like ...

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    2 minute read

    The Five "B"s of Winter Garden Interest

    Winter Garden Interest is VERY important to anyone living in a region, like New England, where snow is a regular occurrence. It is probably safe to say that January 2011 has ...

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    2 minute read

    Winter Garden Interest: A New Way to See the Landscape

    Let's face it if you are living in New England (Massachusetts in particular) you and your garden are buried in snow...multiple feet of it.

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    3 minute read

    7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Landscape Designer

    Opting for the best outcome in your garden As humans we are driven by design in all aspects of our lives. The complexities that arise in designing a garden or a landscape come ...

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    4 minute read

    The Empowered Landscape Experience: 5 Ways to Ensure Success

    The magazine Smart Money published an article more than 10 years ago in praise of landscape renovation as a vehicle to improve the resale value of your home. At the time, I neatly ...

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    2 minute read

    Food Inc & Your Garden

    It was finally time and I felt ready to watch the movie that has been on my NetFlix list for months, yet never made it to my doorstep (because I kept pushing it down the list). ...

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    1 minute read

    Sustainability in the Garden

    Sustainability is the hot new buzzword in the landscape world. What does it mean? The dictionary says… 1) able to be maintained 2) maintaining ecological balance

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    2 minute read

    Landscape Design

    Whether you are planning a landscape from scratch, renovating an old landscape, or just creating a small flower garden, the project should always start with a landscape design.

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    2 minute read

    Easy Versus Simple - Demystifying the Landscaping Process

    Working in the garden has become a passion of the American homeowner. The DIY market it is still booming encouraging every able-bodied human to get out there and start digging, ...

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    1 minute read

    Our Garden Blogging Mission

    We hope this blog will provide a place for everyone interested in landscape development to find practical, straight forward information about creating and maintaining the garden ...

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