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Instagram Your Garden with Monique

Written by Monique Allen | May 31, 2018 11:23:00 AM

Let me start off by thanking all of you who subscribe, read, and comment on The Garden Continuum's Garden Design & Fine Gardening blog. We totally appreciate your engagement with us!

We try to keep the information concise and relevant by posting in-depth articles that we hope are helping you to develop into a better gardener and to build and maintain a beautiful landscape that brings you joy and satisfaction in every season.

But even with that focus, I'm guessing that there are times when reading an entire informational blog post isn't possible. Am I right? 

Sometimes you just want a quick gardening tip, a useful design trick, or a hit of beautiful inspiration to keep you going. That's why in March of 2018 we launched our TGC Instagram account to do just that for you!

The concept is, "Less is More" because we know you can get a lot of information from a few pictures and a short caption. Our goal is to share gardening tips, useful insights, and provide inspiration that gets you out into your garden.

The Garden Continuum's Instagram feed does just that on a daily basis. So we'd like to invite you to follow us today and start enjoying this information whenever it suits you, without taking too much time out of your day. 

We'll share four different types of posts on our Instagram feed. 

  1. Educational Posts - there is so much to learn, and we want to get you that information when it is immediately relevant to what's happening in the landscape at this moment. 
  2. Inspirational Posts - beauty is energizing and uplifting and where better to find inspiration than in the garden. We want to share inspiration to provide you with ideas to imagine your own LifeScape.
  3. Behind the Scenes Posts - the TGC gardening team is out an about in nurseries and on job sites daily and have so much to share about their experience that we think would be useful to you.
  4. Community Posts - because gardening is all around us in urban, suburban, and rural communities. We can learn so much from what's around us - the good and the bad, the innovative and the tried and true - so we want to share what we see with you.

The following are just a few examples of the four types of Instagram posts. 

1. This is a recent educational post about Garlic Mustard - Alliaria petiolata.  


2. This share about Iris cristata (crested iris) showing its sweet face in the morning is enough to lift the blues and help you start your Monday.  We hope you would find inspiration by this post. 


3. This is a behind the scenes post so you can see how I prepare the design of a new garden bed 


4. There is nothing better than to see views of beautiful gardens and materials to inspire you!


Follow us now on Instagram

Take a few seconds and follow us on Instagram by clicking on the image below and checking "follow" on Instagram. If you do not have an Instagram account, setup is easy and it is a great application for viewing images and videos on your smartphone. 

See you there!