It’s not uncommon for homeowners to fall out of love with their landscaping. Often, life seems to get in the way and doing “yard work” falls by the wayside as other things capture our time and attention. At best, some ...
Shrubs are a major element in just about any landscape design, but knowing how they fit into the overall garden scheme and having knowledge of shrubs beyond the handful of ...
This may seem obvious, but it bears stating here: there is a direct correlation between how long you let your landscape go without maintenance and the increased amount of work it ...
How much sun does your garden have?
Tips for Choosing the Right Size Tree for Your Landscape
Time to Add Different Shrubs to Your Landscape
Vines - Wisteria blossoming in May
Garden Editing: A great way to re-invigorate your landscape
How to Choose the Perfect Perennial
Legacy Landscapes: The Art of Preservation and Conservation
There are few places in the United States with historical landscapes as rich and diversified as New England. Over the centuries since Europeans first set foot in the New World, ...
Deciduous trees are a versatile, attractive and dynamic element for use in any landscape design because they are powerful players in the environment. These are the trees that have ...
This Wisteria floribunda was planted about three years before I met this Newton, MA client. The vine wasn't flowering well and was completely covering this small pergola ...
We all strive to be resilient in our lives by working toward improving our survival skills. That may come in the form of eating well, fitness training, or even gaining new ...
How to Renovate Perennial Gardens Spring and fall are great times to start exploring edits to your perennial gardens! Whether you are looking to move and divide a few plants, add ...
To understand the available sun in your garden, map your shade. Mapping the shade in your landscape is a very useful tool in landscape design. If you want to succeed in your ...
How to Plant a Tree Fall has arrived in New England! With the cooler weather upon us, planting season is in full swing. This week, The Garden Continuum demonstrates how to plant a ...
FALL IS AN AMAZING TIME TO PLANT As we move into the cooler, wetter weather of the autumn season, I encourage you to think about planting new plants in your landscape. Maybe you ...
Maintaining an Urban Landscape: Challenges and Solutions This week, The Garden Continuum's Installation Staff was down in Providence, RI working on a commercial property. TGC ...
HOW TO PLANT A SHRUB The Garden Continuum's Install Team demonstrates how to plant a shrub. On this particular property, TGC had renovated the garden beds the previous year. For ...
Whether a seasoned gardener or a novice just starting out in the garden, it is inevitable that you will bump into this question:
Winter Garden Interest is VERY important to anyone living in a region, like New England, where snow is a regular occurrence. It is probably safe to say that January 2011 has ...
Let's face it if you are living in New England (Massachusetts in particular) you and your garden are buried in snow...multiple feet of it.
The Garden Continuum®
67 West Street, Suite 101
Medfield, MA 02052
Call us: +1 (508) 359-8200