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    Home Vegetable Garden

    Building a home garden can be as simple as putting planters out on a patio potted up with herbs and a few small vegetables, or as full-blown as giving up hundreds of square feet of lawn to grow a garden.

    In this gallery of images, you’ll see two types of box plantings. The first is a Potager Garden with eight 25-inch tall custom-built boxes made of rot and insect resistant white cedar. The next is a small Kitchen Garden with three deep root boxes purchased from Gardener's Supply. Our assembly included adding a stone drainage base and wire mesh all protected with weed fabric to keep critters out. Last, is an old fashioned in-ground garden covering over 1200 square feet bursting with healthy organic crops.

    There’s nothing quite like home-grown produce. The flavors are unparalleled and there’s great satisfaction in putting your own food on the table. Not to mention the good exercise and family time you can have outside in Nature. 

    Any home can have a veggie planting - big or small. All you need is at least 5 hours of direct sunlight, access to water, and a willingness to do some “dirty”. It’s SO worth it!

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