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    Landscape Services in Medfield, MA

    A landscape is more than a “thing” that surrounds a house or business. Your landscape can become a Life‑Scape™; a special, beautiful, and functional part of your property. The Garden Continuum strives to enrich the human experience by considering your unique personality, the natural features of your land, and the environmental impacts of design and installation.

    To learn everything about our landscape services in Medfield, here’s a list of what we do in town. Medfield, MA has become near and dear to our hearts. This town has taught us so much about our craft and about how Landscapes and Gardens improve the lives of individuals and communities alike.

    Here is a list of the information on this page:

    Landscaping in Medfield, MA

    The Garden Continuum chose to move to Medfield, MA in 2005 to become part of a vibrant community of homeowners and businesses that appreciate the value of creating landscapes that enrich people's lives, a concept that we call Life-ScapingTM

    Since arriving in Medfield, The Garden Continuum has connected with local environmental enthusiasts to enrich our community by building, maintaining, and protecting the public and private landscapes throughout the town. Medfield’s commitment to open space planning and conservation is outlined in the opening sentence of their Open Space bylaw

    “For the purpose of encouraging the preservation of open space and promoting the more efficient use of land in harmony with its natural features...”

    This aligns perfectly with our dedication to ecological practices that are supported by sustainable design and construction, as well as organic gardening methods. 

    Hyper-Local Landscaping Services in Medfield, MA

    Our Hyper-Local Landscape Mission starts in Medfield, MA. 

    Our office is located at 67 West Street on the corner of Route 27, just two light cycles north of the Route 109 intersection. In 2010, the effects of the recession and the reality of climate change led us to realize that in order to grow as a company, we had to make a change. 

    Most landscape companies travel many miles, sometimes spending hours in gas- and diesel-guzzling trucks to get to job-sites. We made the decision to release all of our clients that required more than 30-minutes of commute time and focus locally.  

    Our realization was that landscape companies travel so far when there’s work right in their “backyards” because they don’t know how to or are unwilling to communicate through marketing, public outreach, and community service. Additionally, we understood that to work in a hyper-local environment, you must cherish that environment. And we do!

    Hyper-Local Service Has Three Levels of Access

    1. Level One - Medfield, Massachusetts. We aim to do 50% of our work in this one township. 
    2. Level Two - Surrounding towns that touch or are extremely close to the Medfield town lines: Dover, Millis, Norfolk, Sherborn, Walpole, Westwood. 
    3. Level Three - Select towns that are primarily accessible from main roads, namely Route 27, Route 109, and Route 16. These routes act as corridors to communities where we already have a client base. 

    The Hyper-Local Service Strategy is about committing to sustainability and working in ecological congruence with our environment. It is about building a friendly, relationship-based business practice that focuses on the people at the center of the work we do on our planet. It allows us to do more and feel better about our work each day. 

    Landscape Maintenance Services in Medfield, MA

    At The Garden Continuum, we think of landscape maintenance as a necessity with land ownership. But even more than that, we see it as the duty of all people to love and tend the land to keep our planet vibrant and healthy. As one of our core values, we put focused energy into educating our clients and community about the benefit of landscape maintenance. 

    Spring flower show in Medfield, MA

    There are three levels of landscape care that need to be addressed by every landowner—residential and commercial landscape maintenance included. This work can be done by the owner, or by a landscape professional. Often it’s a partnership between the two that gets the work done most effectively over time. (see The Fine Gardener’s Guide to a Beautiful and Luxurious Landscape.)

    • Minimum Thresholds of Care (MTC)
      • This is the work that MUST be done predictably and repeatedly throughout the year to keep the property from falling into disrepair. MTC ensures a level of organization, cleanliness, and safety to the landscape. 
    • Enhancement Landscape Management (ELM)
      • This work is also integral to keeping a landscape organized, clean and safe, ELM is more keenly focused on managing health and vitality. These services are often happening less frequently than the MTC services but they do have a predictable schedule that is guided by the seasons and current weather. 
    • Special Landscape Projects (SLP)
      • This work is hyper-focused on making a small improvement, correction, or addition to the landscape. This work is often driven by a need that has been identified by your landscape professional or by you! You want this to be a one-and-done project!

    Wherever your capability and enjoyment lie in the landscape, be sure to check out TGC Academy for tons of information on how to take a nature-forward approach to your next project and feel empowered whenever you partner with a professional.

    Fine Gardening in Medfield, MA

    Fine Gardening is the comprehensive practice of targeted horticultural care with the goal of building happy, healthy, and beautiful gardens. It is a specialized approach to landscape management, taking the needs of each plant and garden community into consideration and prioritizing ecological health. While landscape maintenance is the bulk work that needs to be done to keep a landscape neat and safe over time - mowing, cleaning up leaves and general debris, mulching, and plowing in the winter, Fine Gardening is customized to address the unique nature of each individual landscape.

    Here are some additional free resources we’d like to share to help you embrace the importance of landscape maintenance. 

    Seasonal Planter Decor in Medfield, MA

    There is nothing more heartwarming in the garden than flowers! The gorgeous color and happy faces of the flowers always delight our clients. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can bring joy...and we LOVE to make people smile!

    At The Garden Continuum, we have we tend hundreds of containers and planters for four seasons of color and interest. Planters are super easy to add to a landscape, a garden, or the front entry of your house to brighten up your home.

    A few more decor resources for you to learn more:

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    Complimentary Landscape Discovery Session

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    Landscape Design Services in Medfield, MA

    We love designing landscapes in Medfield, MA because our proximity to the clients and projects being built gives us the opportunity to provide high-quality client service and attention which is in alignment with our core company values.

    • Our core values guide our success by keeping us aware of five critical elements that are central to all we aim to achieve: Nature, People, Systems, Education, and Self. By aligning our awareness with these elements, we know that we are traveling on the path of good work made fun!

    At The Garden Continuum, we are committed to employing the Life-Scape Method in all of our projects. This foundation weaves together art and science to deliver amazingly beautiful landscapes that are also well-organized and vibrantly healthy. 

    Landscape Installation Services in Medfield, MA

    The natural progression of every property is that the owner is going to want to fix, improve, or expand upon what they have now. This is where we get to transform land and lives with our Life-Scape Development work in Medfield, MA. 

    Our company is staffed by a highly-skilled group of seasoned professionals who love to work the land, love plants, and are totally committed to doing a job right. You can learn more about Our Team here. And if you want to join our team, check out our Landscape Careers Info page!

    If you want to learn more about how a Life-Scape comes to life, please get your copy of STOP Landscaping, START Life-Scaping today. In the book you will learn:

    • How your yard can become a Life-Scape
    • How your project can be good for the environment
    • Why long term care needs to be considered from the beginning
    • How your environment impacts your mood and day-to-day activities
    • Well tested landscape development tips & techniques to help you succeed
    • What the landscaping industry has done in the past, and why we need to shift to a more mindful way of interacting with our land

    Blue Ink Review

    "Monique Allen writes Stop Landscaping, Start Life-Scaping from the perspective of an experienced professional landscaper determined to help home gardeners build gardens they cannot resist. "

    Here are some fun highlights of residential, community, and state landscape installations we’ve done over the years in Medfield, MA!

    Residential Landscape in Medfield, MA

    Residential landscape installations are so much more than just a project. When we are given the opportunity to design and build a Life-Scape for a client, we are being invited to improve their lives at home. From the first idea that a transformation is possible to the moment when the final stone, mulch, or flower is set, we have a responsibility to care for the land and deliver it back to our client in a state of high-function, health, and beauty.

    Sustainable Park Landscape in Medfield, MA

    We had the great pleasure of working with a vibrant team of Medfield residents in the design and construction of a pocket park in the center of town. 

    Straw Hat Park is a sustainable landscape in the center of Medfield, Massachusetts. This eco-friendly park attracts visitors to hang out and enjoy Nature in a healthy and organic state. 

    Straw Hat Park has turned out to be a popular gathering space for residents and visitors of Medfield, MA. Over fifty percent of the construction budget was raised through donations and gifts. The town supported the final investment through a financial infusion and the services of the DPW construction teams and equipment. 

    The park was a blast to create and warms all of our hearts at The Garden Continuum to see happy visitors enjoying the space. We love it so much that we donate three garden maintenance visits a year to support the Medfield Parks & Rec Department’s efforts for necessary care. 

    Straw-Hat-Park-2Straw Hat Park is nestled below Starbucks, to the side of Nosh & Grog Restaurant, and is visible from the Medfield Town Offices. 

    At The Garden Continuum, we believe in giving back to our community. The Thomas Upham House in Medfield, MA is a skilled nursing facility in the center of town. My father was cared for here by the amazing men and women that have chosen this often challenging work. They guided me and my father through his transition onward from this life. I couldn’t have navigated so well without their love and support. 

    Landscapes for Skilled Nursing Facilities in Medfield, MA

    Thomas-Upham-House-1A colorful show of bulbs wakes up in this garden to greet the blooming forsythia that highlights the front of the Thomas Upham House in Medfield, MA. We love giving some WOW and delight to the house residents and the team of professionals that care for them. 

    As a thank you, we donated a garden in my father’s name, Sourene G. Papazian, with the help of many clients, family members, and friends who donated to help bring colorful flowers and the bright vitality of Nature to the wonderful porch at the front of the building. I have fond memories of sitting on that porch with my dad as we watched life bustle by on Rte 109 in Medfield, MA. 

    The Garden Continuum’s Fine Gardening and Seasonal Decor Team continue to joyfully maintain the property as our gift to everyone at the Thomas Upham House, as well as the Medfield community. 

    Thomas-Upham-House-2Summer annual planting day at the Thomas Upham House in Medfield, MA. Our team is all-hands-on-deck to make fast work of turning this important front landscape into a gorgeous explosion of flowers for the house residents and visitors to enjoy.

    Getting Started with Landscaping services for your home in Medfield MA

    Ready to start a landscape project  or need help maintaining a healthy, beautiful garden?  Click the Get Started button below to request a Landscape Discovery Session.

    We offer a Landscape Discovery Session to anyone in the greater Medfield area who is interested in building their dream Life-ScapeTM. During this 20-30 minute phone call, we’ll outline your needs and goals for your property to decide on the best direction forward.

    Let’s get started! 

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    Complimentary Landscape Discovery Session

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